
What's best way to connect with nature?
Without doubt, it's a night out!
Passing under Sgurr na Ciche on a hot summer day

Expeditions with NATS

You will be well looked after on an expedition with Lee from Not About The Summit. We tailor your expedition to suit your needs. Contact Lee to start planning.
Passing the Glenfinnan Viaduct on the classic Glenfinnan-Inverie expedition

Expeditions: What’s Included

We tailor your expedition to suit you. We will have a phone or video call to discuss your aims and expectations.

As with all of activities, expeditions will be led by a qualified, insured, experienced, knowledgeable and caring guide... check out our reviews to see what people say about Lee at NATS.


We have equipment that you can borrow, but if you are using the expedition as means to gain confidence to do your own expeditions, you may wish to use your own.

Expedition Food

Expedition menu planning is done with you, to make sure we cater to your needs and preferences. We take pride in the food we prepare and provide for you, making sure you look forward to the next meal!

All expedition food is provided from snacks and lunch on day 1 to lunch and afternoon snacks on your last day. This ensures you have the right amount and types of food. Too much is heavy, too little is not worth thinking about!
In every walk with nature, one receives far more than one seeks
John Muir

Expedition Prices

24 hours£300
36 hours*£520
2 day expedition£580
3 day expedition£850
4 day expedition£1,110
Longer tripNegotiable
Additional person
(per person, per night)
*36hrs = Evening walk, 2 nights, Morning walk
e.g. for hiking the Fisherfield 6
A great way to spend a birthday!
Overlooking An Teallach on a Fisherfield Six expedition
I love expeditions because they really give you a feeling of freedom;
Freedom to roam further
Freedom from the modern world
Freedom to connect with the land
Freedom to connect with your companions
Lee Anderson